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Our Daily Word

Denial is the language of the ego

January 2, 2011

 The ego uses denial when it is faced with overwhelming information that may threaten its perception of the truth.

 By its very nature, the ego is the supreme commander of the human vessel, running on auto-pilot and screening all incoming data for potential threat to its existence. It is the security camera of the eyes and the brain police of the body.

In the mind of the ego, the physical world is all there is. It is authentic, solid, proven and the absolute truth.

The ego learns by repetition to identify all incoming stimulus from its five senses and based on its evaluation, it determines what is safe and what is a threat to its survival

Anything unknown and unseen, without physical presence, scent, taste or sound is automatically perceived as a threat against its survival.

When a threat is detected, the ego chooses either to run, fight or obstinately deny the foreign stimuli’s existence.

This is especially true of thought stimuli that has no basis in the physical world.

Whereas the ego is a power machine-fueled by images and ideas of power, control and domination, the stimuli it most enjoys is that which produces sensations of greatness,...

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Finding Time For Peace

January 2, 2011

Most of us have a very busy schedule and we're pressed for time, juggling work, family, friends and all the odds and ends of day to day living.

When some of us take a break, we usually grab a snack or a drink, smoke a cigarette, chat up a freind or even take a brisk walk.

These are all great pick me ups but when I think of finding time for peace, I am talking about peace of mind and peace of heart, the gateways to the soul.

We can't find peace while eating or drinking, conversing, smoking or walking. The only way we can truly begin to find peace is when we are still. When we still the motion of our bodies and when we still the noise in our heads.

Peace, like sleep, is beneficial for our overall health and I believe  a 5 minute peace break daily, will nourish and refresh us spiritually.

Here's my idea:

Find a quiet place away from any noise, telephones, traffic, people, pets, children, tv, radio etc.

A great place for peace is a bathroom as most people find they are not disturbed there.

Once you find your quiet place, get comfortable by...

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Love Thy Neighbor

December 25, 2010

Is it possible to truly love our neighbor?

I suppose it depends on our interpretation of what it means to love.

Jesus has said, “love thy neighbor as thyself.” But, how much do we apply this in our day to day existence?

Do we love our neighbor on Black Friday when there is only one coveted item left in the store and our neighbor desires to possess it as much as we do?

What does love thy neighbor mean?

If my cabinets are stocked with groceries, should I check to see that my neighbor is also equally supplied?

How far are we prepared to go in loving our neighbor?

What would Christ do is he had more than his neighbor, would he share?

Could we find it within ourselves to emulate his behavior?I live on the generosity of welfare, as do most of my neighbors. When our food stamps come in, we don’t go door to door to ask, “what can I get you?” Yet, isn’t this the way Christ would want us to behave?

If we were to share everything there would be no inequity. There would be no division of class. We would have to humble ourselves...

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Creating God

December 2, 2010

In the course of my experience speaking with parishioners of different faiths, I have often wondered about the process by which we create our Gods.

When we study comparative religions, we see common threads in the dogma and the ceremonial practices which show how earnestly we seek higher knowledge, guidance, protection and love.

We can see our fervent need to worship in the ornate and decorative temples we erect to our dieties, and the care we put into our appearance when we meet to worship.

As I was reflecting on this today, I was struck by the thought of how wonderful it would be if we, as a race of beings, could exert some of this effort into nurturing our own godliness.

Imagine the change in society if we made the collective decision to honor the gods/goddess within us using the same ferverent desire to worship the good in ourselves, and to celebrate our own god-like qualities of mercy and compassion.

It is my truth I speak when I say I believe it is our purpose here on the earth to evolve as aspects of the life giving source energy.

We are God made flesh. How miraculous it would be...
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Happy Thanksgiving

November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving to our world family. May you feel the comfort of our healing energy as we hold you in our thoughts this holiday season.

Many of us have struggles which seem unrelenting and troubles that seem to grow without end. Take some time to quiet your mind and feel the soothing peace that awaits you in your God Zone.

Nothing is permanent in this world, all things shall pass. Hold on to the moments of peace, however rare, and live within your spirit nature.

Your higher mind has the answer to all life's questions. Seek and ye shall find.

Peace and blessings,

Reverend Irma Carew

Tags: akashic records, blessings, consciousness, esoteric beliefs, happy holidays, higher awareness, metaphysics, peace, spirituality, thanksgiving, world family ministries

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November 10, 2010

The truth is always subjective to the individual seeking answers.

Can you live with your truth without shame, guilt, remorse, humiliation or anger?

Does your truth bring you peace, a sense of purpose and the courage to face adversity?

Can you live your truth without bringing suffering to other life forms?

No living person can know the origins of the universe. This mystery is as subjective as the truth.

What makes sense and what feels right is any individuals’ interpretation.

I could say that the world was created in chaos, without purpose. From my experience, I believe this to be true. I do not believe in a God who judges us, or one who chooses from among us who will succeed and who will fail, who will live and who will die, who will remain in good health and who will contract illness.

I believe the entire human experience is subjective to individual interpretation and that what we determine to be true is our personal truth.

When a group of people share a belief, it becomes a collective truth. But even in collective truths, the truth is subjective to the individuals who honor it, and in no way does it...

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Spiritual Living

November 10, 2010

This section will discuss the book Spiritual Living by Reverend Irma Carew D.M.D.D.
(c)2011 Author House

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Virtue # 10 Responsibility

November 4, 2010

World Family Ministries defines responsibility as a committed practice to virtuous behavior and obedience to the ten steps of virtuous living.

We are responsible for our own conduct and therefore are considerate and respectful of other life forms.

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Virtue # 9 Selfless Service

November 4, 2010

World Family Ministries defines selfless service as  a willingness to serve others in need.

We are selfless when we are no longer concentrated on self and we see that the needs of our world family are every bit as important as our own.

When we practcie selfless service we practice sharing abundance.

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Virtue # 8 Patience and Kindness

November 4, 2010

Patience and Kindness is defined by World Family Ministries as the practice of thinking before speaking and acting to determine right speech and right action.

Right speech and Right action are defined as communications and actions that are honorable, respectful, compassionate and kind.

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